Life at the world’s largest toymaker

It might also surprise you to learn that Lego, the largest toymaker in the world by sales and profits, is family-owned. This is the story of the Kirk Kristiansen family of Denmark…

Rotman study on private governance

We read recently (with great pleasure) a research report, The critical importance of private company governance, published by The David & Sharon Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation at the Rotman School of Management…

Zegna stability amidst market challenges

A recent article in the Financial Times highlighted an iconic Italian business family – Zegna, and it’s one we’re tracking closely…

Purpose-driven capitalism at Mars

December 2019 – Recent media coverage of ‘life on Mars’ has added further commentary to our original profile…

The power of the 2% solution

A fresh approach for business families to fund their inevitable tax liabilities in a more affordable way…

The real purpose of estate freezes

Far from a tool to avoid tax, they allow Canadian business owners to prudently plan for (and manage) their tax liabilities in an orderly manner…

The fine art of choosing an executor

Why do the heads of business families often spend more time choosing the next CEO of their company than they dedicate to selecting an executor for their estate?…

A $7 billion estate tax?

August 2019 – The incapacitation of Samsung chairman (and head of the Lee family empire) Lee Kun-hee has left the family to address a leadership transition far sooner than expected – and also face an enormous estate tax bill…